Singapore Bound

The gentle buzzing on my wrist from my smartwatch woke me up before I my alarm started to sound.  It was 4:00AM, and was the first of three alarms set to ensure I didn’t sleep past my flight!  The good thing was, my bags were packed and sitting by the door, ready to be carried out to my ride.  Just a quick shower and getting dressed and I’d be set for my trip to Singapore!

My first flight left the DMV area (DC, Maryland, Virginia) early in the morning, and got me to California about six or so hours later.  Not bad, but the next 12 ½ hour layover left me super bored, and even more tired.  Next up, an almost 17 hr flight into Singapore. No sweat! :-/

So the first 35 minutes of the flight were pretty uneventful, until the flight attendants came over the speakers urgently looking for a doctor or other medical professional.  So I’m going to cut this pretty short, but here’s what happened…

About an hour after the medical incident started, the young lady sitting next to me toward the front of the plane started talking to another passenger who was seated in the back.  Turns out he was the one who needed some attention after bumping his head a few times.  Seems he was slightly over served at a happy hour just prior to coming to the airport, and.. he was traveling with the lady sitting next to me.

Okay, that story time is over!!

Now I’m ready to touch down in Singapore and have an amazing time!!

Check back in the next two days (after I get some rest) for an update.