Gardens by the Bay - Destination Singapore

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore (Must Visit!)

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When you visit Singapore, visiting Gardens by the Bay is practically obligatory and would certainly be a shame if you missed it. It is number three on the “Top things to See in Singapore” according to Trip Adviser, and is number one to me. It truly is an amazing work of environmental beauty in the “Garden City.” The gardens contain more than 1,500,000 plants that you can explore, but I doubt you’ll see every one of them! The plants range from exotic tropical plants, to mid-western U.S. style cactus.

Aerial view of Gardens by the Bay

Aerial view of Gardens by the Bay

Entering the Park

If you have the option, you should enter the park through the southern entrance at Marina Park and work your way through until you reach the Flower Dome and Rain Forest.

As you move past the parking lots in the Marina Park area, to the left you’ll find two enormous, if not very interesting sculptures. The first on the left entitled “Planet,” and created by Marc Quinn, is a giant naked sleeping baby boy that seems to float above the ground. Enjoy my photo, but here is a link to his website:

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Across from “Planet” is a sculpture entitled “The Pamela Hat,” and is also shown below in an aerial photo I took.

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From my count, there are no less than 55 sculptures within the gardens, so take your time and take a look at each of them. All of them are very impressive.

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A little further in and you’ll come across a pool of hundreds of large (and small) and beautifully colored Koi fish.  If you’re into Koi, this is a pretty amazing display!  I have two Koi ponds at my home, but they are merely puddles compared to these!

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A little further still, and you’ll finally enter a “forest” of the Super Trees. A truly impressive scattering of massive man-made trees, which are completely covered in exotic tropical vegetation from top to bottom. If memory serves, it was $8 Singapore to go up the elevator and walk along the elevated walkway. To truly take in the beauty of the gardens, spend the money and take a walk up there! It’s only about $5 US.

Super Trees at Gardens by the Bay

Super Trees at Gardens by the Bay

From here, take your time and slowly walk around the gardens until you reach the “pay” attractions, the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest.  Along the way you pass by a cactus garden, a beautiful pond, thousands of different species of flora, as well as an aquarium with lots of really large fish.

I am sad to say, I did NOT get to view either the Cloud Forest, or the Flower Dome, so I have no photos or opinions of my own to share. My wife did visit the cloud forest and raved about it. If it compares at all to the rest of the gardens, I would recommend taking the time to visit.

Gardens by the Bay Long Exposure Night Shot

Gardens by the Bay Long Exposure Night Shot

The Cloud Forest and Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay.

The Cloud Forest and Flower Dome at the Gardens by the Bay.

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