Best Itinerary for a Short Trip to Granada, Nicaragua - Two Days in Nicaragua

Two Days In Nicaragua -

This is a summary of a larger review. Find the full destination review here.

If you are going to Nicaragua and only have a couple days to explore, this is the perfect two-day itinerary for your trip.

Granada, Nicaragua

Nicaragua is a beautiful country with exceptionally friendly and interesting people. There is so much to do, see, and explore here, you’ll surely have an amazing time and create lifelong memories, even on a short two-day trip.

Top Things to See and Do in (and around) Granada

Masaya Volcano

Peering into the mouth of Masaya Volcano

Peering into the mouth of Masaya Volcano

Although Masaya Volcano is not in Granada, it is close enough, and amazing enough that you need to make a visit! Not only is it an active volcano you can see from afar, you can walk right up to the mouth of the volcano and peer into the bubbling lava below. I really is a beautiful and surreal area, especially surrounded by age-old lava flows stretching away from the volcano for miles.

Street markets

Street vendors and horse drawn carriages are common throughout Granada

Looking for the biggest, creamiest and tastiest avocado you’ll ever see? Walk around the street market in Granada and you’ll be in avocado heaven! Of course there are tons of other fresh local produce, fruit and meat to be discovered as well. Aside from being exceptionally fresh and tasy food, you be pretty shocked at paying barely a few cents to a dollar for a lot of the items. Did I mention the produce carts being pushed around, the super friendly people and the lively atmosphere? Don’t miss out on the mingling with the locals and the large expat community here, and go walk around the markets!


Looking for a delicious meal at an outdoor style street restaurant (you can dine indoors if you’d like, too)? Simply take a stroll in the evening past the Granada Cathedral and down Calle La Calzada to discover a fantastic array of culinary delights. You will have to choose from delicious local food, to wonderful seafood and steaks. Pizza is also surprisingly popular in this area, so you can get yourself some local pizza pie if you’re so inclined!


Need a great place to stay? There are lots of really nice hotels to stay in while visiting Granada, as well as plenty of super affordable and posh hostels. I’ve stayed in the Hotel Colonial on Calle La Libertad at Central Park. Check below for room rates and availability here, or stay at any of the other great places to stay around town.


Nighttime at the Beautiful Granada Cathedral

Nighttime at the Beautiful Granada Cathedral

Granada Cathedral - Iglesia Catedral Inmaculada Concepción de María

Directly across from the Granada Central Park is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The first temple was built in 1525, with the second temple being completed in 1751. The dome was built in 1915, and it stands as it is today since 1972.

The views from the top of this cathedral of the entire city of Granada are beautiful. But before you clime to the top of this beautiful cathedral, make sure to marvel at the wonderful paintings that adorn the inside of this cathedral.

Art and Culture

Throughout Granada are many art stores and shops displaying truly talented local artist’s work. Take some time and walk through the shops, maybe take home a masterpiece! You’ll also find some absolutely interesting streets to walk down, and surely take some pictures.

Can you get much more interesting than this street?

Can you get much more interesting than this street?

One of many art stores in Granada that you should visit!

One of many art stores in Granada that you should visit!

Isletas de Granada (Islands/islets of Granada)

If you’re looking for a real tropical treat, take a boat ride the 365 islands off of Granada and have your mind blown. These beautiful islands are adorned with lush tropical vegetation, beautiful accommodations (from stunning cabanas to multi-million dollar mansions), and let us not forget about the monkeys! All surrounded by sparkling blue water.

Wouldn’t you love to spend a few days here?

Wouldn’t you love to spend a few days here?

If I still haven’t talked you into visiting Nicaragua, even for a short time, please leave a comment. If you have any suggestions on improving this post, please leave a message as well.

Thank you for reading!

Matthew Reed

This post is a summary, for the full article follow this link